Content Marketing: What is it? Why/how does it work? And how does it impact on me?

Content Genie

We are all consumers, and if you think about it to some degree we are all marketers.

The impact of the internet, the web and information communication technologies have transformed the way we communicate, work, play, shop, learn, consume information and socialize on a daily basis.

Many of us are unaware that every time we use social media we are essentially marketing ourselves through our  interests, hobbies, likes, ideas and thoughts. Social media is essentially a platform that allows users to become a brand in their own right

Social media is a portal that allows users to document the story of their lives. Everyone has a story to tell, and as human beings we are compelled to tell and share our stories with others as a way of communicating.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is effectively a means of companies/brands engaging an audience through creative storytelling with the intent…

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Posted on September 6, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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